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Thanks to your ongoing support and encouragement; TipsNews is today one of the most respected and trusted sources of news and information on the problems afflicting Nigeria and most of Africa – specifically, rampant kleptocracy on the content of Africa, which has denied millions of its people the right to a decent life.

Our website currently receives over 6 million pageviews per month. And we plan to continue growing our readership and mobilizing people both in Africa and abroad to take concrete actions to end corruption and abuse of office in Africa.

As we enter our eight year, and with site traffic at an all-time high, we have great plans to fast forward – namely, ensuring free and fair elections and enthroning good governance.

All of our news services are free. A donation will help pay our webmasters, editors, graphic artists, content creators, social media influencers, volunteers, freelancers and keep our service running. Your support will keep TipsNews fully independent. Donations from readers like you make our work possible.

Please chip in to help support our work this season,

TipsNews Team, Kansas City